Youtuber Spotlight: Dankpods Gets Ahold Of The First Mobile Phones


The history of mobile phones is every bit the twisted and, at times, ludicrous trip down memory lane some of our readers will already know it to be. But for the uninitiated, including those too young to remember some of these relics first hand, Youtuber Dankpods has got you covered.

Dankpods managed to get his hands on some truly rare and unique devices in his breakdown of the first mobile phones, some of which were left to him by his dear ol’ Pa. Would that we were all so lucky! But those of us without luck may find similar treasures at your local state action, a topic we’ve previously explored on this very site.

From the iconic Motorola 8000x to 1996’s Startac, this is a trip through cellular past that should not be missed.

Did you own any early mobile phones? Join the discussion in the comments below to let us know.